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Horse Barn Homes specializes in horse barns with living quarters, providing Aiken SC and the Southeast United States with the most unique & high quality horse barn designs for horse barn homes, horse barn apartments, and more. See our FAQ below for additional information about our plans.
What style of horse barn home is best for me?First, lets look at the pluses and minuses over/under horse barn home. ADVANTAGES: 1. Smaller footprint. If you have more horses than acreage, and are looking to retain as much pasture as possible, than over/under should be considered. 2. Lower construction cost. In terms of cost per square footage, two story design is usually cheaper than single story all other factors being equal. 3. Great views. With the over/under style, you have the advantage of elevation from which to survey your great domain. 4. Security. When it comes to self defense, you always want the high ground. DISADVANTAGES: 1. Stairs. After a hard day of riding, you're not getting into that bathtub without first getting up those stairs. Back from the store, and every bag of groceries is going to have to climb those stairs with you. 2. Stair location. If the stairs are located inside, they consume square footage and can be inconvenient. If they are located outside, then they represent a security issue. If the are outside and uncovered and it is raining, you're probably not getting from you car to the entry door without getting wet. 3. Noise. Now this would be considered a disadvantage by some but an advantage by others. Even with good insulation between floor levels, the sound of your horses below will be there. And while this might be an irritant to some, others might find it reassuring knowing the sounds from below are indicating all is well and normal. And, should there be some ruckus going on down their you are quickly made aware and can investigate. Now let us consider the advantages and disadvantages of the side by side horse barn home. ADVANTAGES 1. No Stairs. Or at least, no stairs into the main floor level of the living quarters. There may or may not be interior stairs to second floor living space. If you are thinking long term for your occupancy of this home, then you have to acknowledge that you are going to get older. The spring in your step the gets you up the stairs today my not be there in the future. 2. Appearance. For the smaller horse barn homes, the side by side style has a more palatial presence. Not so much for the larger horse barn homes. 3. Separation. Sure, you love your horses, but... Sometimes you just need some space. It is important to be close enough that you can maintain an efficient management protocol for the proper care of your animals but still have the stalls down wind. This factor becomes important in that most people have a life beyond their horses. This degree of separation is going to vary between individuals, often between spouses. 4. Safety. All horse barn homes are going to have a 2 hour fire rating barrier separating the barn area and the living quarters that are within 10' of proximity. In the over/under style it will be between floor levels. In the side by side style, it will be a vertical wall bearer. But should necessity require, escaping from a first story door or window would be easier that from a second store door or window. DISADVANTAGES: Cost. As stated above, the larger the footprint, the more roofing and exterior wall area and thus the more it is going to cost. Unless the terrain is flat, as the footprint expands, there can be a significant cost factor in resculpting the land to make it compatible with the chosen design. Click on the button below to go to Horse Barn Home Design plans page. There you will see multiple designs with a thumbnail image and a listing of the vitals of each design. Clicking on any thumbnail will take you to a page specific to that design with additional images, floor plans and information. Also, on each specific design page you will be able to chose how you would receive your plans. Options are either as .pdf files or as hard copy physical plan sets or both. Prices for each option are stated there. Should you chose to purchase a design, chose an option and click on the purchase button on that page. You will be taken to a page with a disclaimer statement that provides additional information about your purchase. You must click a box on that page that confirms that you agree to the terms of sale in the disclaimer statement. Clicking on continue will take you to the payment page.
We like one of your plans, but we would like to make a few changes, is that possible?Yes, changes can be made. And you have options. However the first step is always to purchase a plan set with one of the options available with that particular design. When you purchase a plan, what you are actually buying is a license to use a copyrighted design. Whether you choose to purchase .pdf files or hard copy prints, the copyright for the design on those documents is retained by Aiken Residential Design, LLC. You are granted a one time license by the designer to use the design and any derivation of the design as you wish. You can make as many copies of the plans as is necessary to complete the construction of your project. The only stipulation is this. The copyright legend and title block must remain on any reproduction created along with any derivative created. Now here are your options. You can hire a local draftsman or someone similar who possess the skills and knowledge to make the alterations to the plan. The advantage to using someone local is that they are familiar with the regional construction methodologies practiced in your area. Specifically, the “Design Critera” as outlined in the building code of your town, county or state varies greatly from one place to another. If you can not find one to perform this service, likely your builder can provide you with the names of those he or she uses for the same purpose. In fact, your builder maybe able to make the changes themselves without the need for hiring a third party. An alternative to finding a drafter is to contact your local Home Builder's Association. These organizations can be a great source of information for not only getting your plans alterations completed, but for help throughout the construction process. And yet another way to get the plans changed is to use an on line service. Making changes to building plans is so commonly necessary that there are companies that specialize in just doing design alterations. For example, one of those companies is, but there are many others available through a quick internet search. Lastly, you can request Aiken Residential Design to make the plan alterations. Likely, this would not be the least expensive option, as ARD is a custom building designer. Custom design is much more expensive than the cost of a stock plan alterations. But we will be happy to discuss the alterations you have in mind and give you a quote. For some, the integrated nature of this option outweighs the extra cost.